The Pixar Wall in Disneyland Paris shows damage and needs renovation.

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Shortly after the unveiling of a Pixar-character adorned wall in Disneyland Paris, visible damages have already emerged. Located in the Walt Disney Studios Park, this attraction was meant to captivate visitors' hearts, but now faces the prospect of further restoration work.

Renovation and Initial Damage

Last summer, the said wall, a popular meeting point within the park, underwent a comprehensive renovation. The former design was replaced with a new background featuring vibrant scenes of beloved Pixar characters. However, mere weeks after its completion, the first signs of wear and tear disappointed both the park officials and visitors.

Choice of Material and Weather Effects

Opting to use stickers instead of traditional paint for the motifs led to unforeseen complications. The material proved vulnerable to the park's fluctuating weather conditions. Cracks and peels now mar the appearance of the wall, with the damage steadily increasing over the months.

Efforts to Address Damage

Initial attempts to repair the damage were unsuccessful. Notably, the balloon, famous from the movie “Up,” now bears stains, cracks, and other defects.

Location in the Park and Impact on Visitors

The damaged wall is in the “Worlds of Pixar” area, nestled between the Crush's Coaster and Cars Quatre Roues Rallye attractions. This zone is particularly popular among Pixar movie fans, offering personal encounters with characters from “Toy Story” and other Pixar films. Temporary construction fences placed around the wall adversely affected the visitor experience, even though they have since been removed without finding a permanent solution to the problem.


The damage to the new Pixar wall in Disneyland Paris raises concerns about material selection and weather resilience. As officials seek solutions, it remains to be seen how quickly and effectively the beloved attraction can be restored to its original splendor.

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