Arctic Basecamp in LEGOLAND Billund: A New Digital Building Experience

Thursday, 11. April 2024, 11:39

Sunday, 19. May 2024 at 21:39
Open from 10:00 to 19:00
Clear at 16,8 °C
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LEGOLAND® BILLUND welcomes the innovative Arctic Basecamp, replacing the former penguin area. This unique digital building experience embarks guests on an exciting polar expedition.

Background of the Redesign

After a decade of delight provided by the penguins in Polar Land, LEGOLAND® BILLUND found new homes for the feathered friends at the Kattegat Center and Pairi Daiza in 2022. This led to the creation of something new: the Arctic Basecamp, which continues the tradition of polar themes but adds a futuristic digital twist.

A Unique Experience at Arctic Basecamp

Arctic Basecamp offers a revolutionary blend of playful learning and interaction. Kasper Tangsig, LEGOLAND's spokesperson, emphasizes the combination of LEGO® building, education, and an interactive layer that creates the illusion of a real polar expedition. Visitors learn about ancient animals in an informative manner.

Three Polar Expeditions to Choose From

Within the basecamp, guests can choose from three different polar expeditions. Each expedition challenges participants' creativity as they construct specific vehicles for their mission at the interactive building table, whether for land, water, or air.

Exploring the Digital Ice Cave

After completing the building tasks, the mysterious digital ice cave awaits exploration. It houses Yetis and LEGO® mammoths, along with numerous interactive exhibits. A highlight is the frozen lake on the floor, offering views of orcas swimming below. Kasper Tangsig describes how the ice cave, with its digital effects, feels so real, providing visitors with the sensation of being part of an actual expedition.

Location and History

The Arctic Basecamp is situated where the penguin pool used to be, next to the Polar X-plorer. This redesign marks an important step in the ongoing evolution of LEGOLAND® BILLUND, seamlessly integrating education, entertainment, and innovation.

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