Death's Doors - November 2023 - Statistics of waiting times

Trick or treat, the classic Halloween tradition we all know and love, but this is no ordinary neighborhood. Venture into the locksmith's lair and encounter 21 terrifying doors, each hiding a sinister secret, and there's only one way to unravel the mystery.... knock! Creepy and spooky surprises lurk behind each door, and only the bravest souls should dare to participate in this new tradition. But fear not, foolish mortals, not every door hides terrible horrors, some ghosts are more friend than foe. Death's Doors is a BRAND NEW walk-through scary zone with live actors, special effects and 21 mysterious doors. As you walk through the zone, you'll be prompted to knock on as many doors as you dare - each revealing a spooky surprise. And after dark, it's even creepier.

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Death's Doors - Average queue time in November 2023

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The central bar represents the median, which is the middle value of the waiting times. The box itself indicates the range between the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3), meaning it covers the middle 50% of the waiting times. The lines extending from the box represent the minimum and maximum, showing the shortest and longest waiting times. This chart helps you quickly understand how waiting times are distributed and how typical or extreme certain values are.
Death's Doors - Queue times in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Virtual Queue
Closed due to weather
Attraction closed
over 90 minutes
Temperatures in November 2023

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Precipitation probability in November 2023

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Wind speed in November 2023

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Death's Doors - Minimum and maximum queue time in November 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by weekdays in November 2023

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Death's Doors - Average queue time by weekdays in November 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by hours in November 2023

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Death's Doors - Average queue time by hours in November 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by hours and days of the week in November 2023

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Death's Doors - Minimum and maximum queue time in 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by weekdays in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Death's Doors - Average queue time by weekdays in 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by hours in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Death's Doors - Average queue time by hours in 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by month in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Death's Doors - Average queue time by month in 2023
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Death's Doors - Average queue time by hours and weekdays in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Death's Doors - Average queue time by weekdays and months in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.