Eurosat Coastiality - November 2023 - Statistics of waiting times

Eurosat Coastiality - The Phantom of the Opera invites you on an immersive VR adventure. At the centre of this gripping story is the ghost of the Parisian 'Opéra Populaire', whose fascinating story is now brought to life at Europa-Park. The Phantom of the Opera lives in secret and hides his masked face from the world. But when the young soprano Christine enters his life, fate takes its course. The mystery and intrigue of this gripping love story, coupled with the thrill of a rollercoaster ride, can be experienced up close.

Select period
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time in November 2023

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Holidays in November 2023

Public holidays

    All Saints' Day (BW, BY, NW, RP, SL)
    Day of Prayer and Repentance (SN)


    All Soul's Day (all)
    St. Martin's Day (all)
    Remembrance Day (all)
    Memorial Day (all)
Eurosat Coastiality - Queue times in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Attraction open
Virtual Queue
Closed due to weather
Attraction closed
over 90 minutes
Temperatures in November 2023

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Precipitation probability in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Wind speed in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Minimum and maximum queue time in November 2023
Lade Daten...
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by weekdays in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by weekdays in November 2023
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Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by hours in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by hours in November 2023
Lade Daten...
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by hours and days of the week in November 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Minimum and maximum queue time in 2023
Lade Daten...
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by weekdays in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by weekdays in 2023
Lade Daten...
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by hours in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by hours in 2023
Lade Daten...
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by month in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by month in 2023
Lade Daten...
Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by hours and weekdays in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.

Eurosat Coastiality - Average queue time by weekdays and months in 2023

All information is provided without guarantee or claim to correctness or completeness.