Caritas Thanks 1,000 Volunteers with a Day at Europa-Park

Thursday, 02. May 2024, 12:48

Monday, 20. May 2024 at 01:32
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On April 30th, the Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Freiburg honored over 1,000 volunteers at Europa-Park for their commitment. The celebration titled “Peace Begins with Me” acknowledged the tireless efforts of participants in the Voluntary Social Year and Federal Volunteer Service.

Overview of the Event

On the last day of April, Europa-Park, Germany's largest amusement park, was filled with dedicated volunteers. This special event, now in its twelfth year, provided the volunteers with a day full of joy and recognition. Under the motto “Peace Begins with Me,” the helpers who engage in social work were thanked.

Recognition by the Mack Family

Mauritia Mack, a representative of the park's operating family, addressed the significance of social commitment in her speech: “The effort of each individual contributes to a better coexistence. As a family business deeply rooted in the region, we greatly value your selfless service.” She emphasized that such commitment sets an example for society.

Words from the Caritas Director

Birgit Schaer, director of Caritas, highlighted the social significance of voluntary service in her speech. “Your commitment strengthens social cohesion and makes a valuable contribution to society,” Schaer explained. She pointed out that it is the people themselves who maintain humanity through their actions.

Volunteer Experiences

Thorsten Moser and Leah Ippendorf, representatives of the volunteers, shared their personal experiences. “The experiences in volunteer service have shown me how rewarding it is to help others,” said Moser. Ippendorf added that she intends to continue her commitment to social work in the future.

Opportunities for Engagement

Caritas offers numerous volunteer positions in various regions, such as Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, and Freiburg. Those interested can start at any time, with comprehensive information available from Caritas Volunteer Services.

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